On Friday, December 7, a diverse lineup of local rock acts will bring their combined talents to the Triple Door for the first annual SMooCH (Seattle Musicians for Children’s Hospital) Show. Brad (Stone Gossard , Shawn Smith), Chris Friel Orchestra with special guests Pete Droge and Carrie Akre, Stag, The Young Evils, The Sangster Family Band and Rachel Flotard will all donate performances to raise funds for Seattle Children’s at an evening concert and auction.
STAG Live on KEXP 12/6 @ 9:30 am
Stream the new STAG LP right now on KDHX
New STAG album 12/4/12
Let It Be
Wednesday Is The New Friday
Our friends over at There’s Something Hard In There reviewed Stag’s show w/ Swervedriver and included some cool photos. Check it out!
Stag + Swervedriver = 4/4/12
Stag 3/24/12
If Stag Had A Custom Van…This Would Be Painted On The Side.
Stag w/ Swervedriver 4/4 @ Neumos
We’re opening for Swervedriver and Hawkeye on 4/4/12 at Neumos. Swervedriver are a long time favorite of ours and we were totally psyched that we were asked to play with them. You can buy tickets here